Monday, October 26, 2009

The Mission

Hey all,
This is gonna be a bit of mixed use blog. A way to record a year in Colorado, snowboarding, biking and traveling around checking out some more of this big country. Seasons that I have done so far have all turned into a bit of a blur so I figure this will be a good way to record it so I can look back later on and see how it all went down. I'm going to try not to fill this blog up with YouTube video links as I see with most blogs these days, I'll try and keep it as fresh as possible with mainly pics that I have shot or things that I have seen while being over here. Excuse the picture quality for now as the camera I'm using isn't the greatest, but I'm hoping to change that pretty soon with a new camera. This is the first time I've done anything like this so if you see some mistakes, don't fret, hopefully it will get better with time.